Friday, June 05, 2009

weak theology and bullshit!

i can't remember from before lunch what i was going to email about. so i'll just ramble....

while downstairs i got to feeling pretty good, and i thought to myself, self, this is feeling pretty good, don't lose it. is this the continual joy [cj] that the enlightened experience? do they really experience cj? how do they accommodate other, seeming contary, feelings? what makes them enlightened? am i on the path to enightement, or am i [way] off track? is this question unbecoming of a enightened novitiate? does it really matter? and now i am thinking about weak theology and its relationship to gravity. appears to have been taken over by Anonymous, another internet-based group associated with the Church of the SubGenius.

and thing get extreme after that, including:

the fsm
richard dawkins and out!--a pro-agnostic site
pen and teller--but different than what i assumed about the successful vegas act
bullshit!--a p&t show about false things

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